Think back on almost any great blog post you’ve ever read. Just like great stories, they all share familiar beats and structure. Blog post templates give you access to these underlying frameworks, which is essential for B2B’s Content Marketing Strategy that aims to:
Drive more web traffic
Engage their customers
And establish trust and expertise.
Blog post templates provide lots of help during the writing process. They are built around what works and makes an impact. Access to this knowledge helps you create more compelling blog posts than you would by just winging it and hoping for the best.
A blog post template will help you avoid aimless writing and writer’s block.
In this article, we’ll look at the four most popular types of blog posts for B2B. Additionally, we’ll provide free blog post templates for each type. By the end of the article, you’ll know everything you need to supercharge your content creation.
What is a blog post template?
A blog post template is a basic outline for a blog post. It gives content creators an outline and structure for their posts that help them understand the following:
How to structure their headings
What type of content should they include
What works and what doesn’t
Popular Types of Blog posts for B2B
There are lots of different blog post formats. We’ve selected the four most popular types and broken each down into its most essential elements.
In this article, you’ll find a blog post template for:
The List Post
The Step-By-Step Guide
The Expanded Definition
The Beginner’s Guide
Using a blog post template will:
Save you time figuring out how to format your blog posts
Reduce writer’s block
Make your writing more SEO-friendly
Give you confidence that you’re on the right track
Teach you how to write a focused, well-structured blog post
OK, so now that you know how a blog post template can help your content, let’s look at some examples.
List Posts (Listicles) blog post templates
List posts, also called listicles, are one of the most popular forms of blog posts. They are perfect for creating lists of:
Product Recommendations
Or whatever else you can think of.
The main advantage of this formula is that it takes a lot of information and brings it together in one place. Lists are also a proven way to break down complex information because they are far less intimidating than large blocks of text.
Additionally, because lists are easy to read and scan, readers can evaluate them easily — which is a big advantage in our attention economy.
Finally, lists are very sharable content. When you write content, you want it to reach as wide an audience as possible. A good list article can help boost your brand awareness while educating your readers.
Why the listicle is valuable for B2B
There are a few different reasons why listicles are great for B2B content creation.
#1. People love lists
People love lists. Instead of looking at a load of paragraphs or a wall of text, each section is broken into discrete pieces. This structure makes it easy to scan and absorb information. A lot of B2B content can be dry and specialist. Lists make the information inviting.
So much of our reading these days happens on news feeds on mobile devices. People access information on the go. Lists are a perfect format for time-starved B2B professionals.
#2. Lists are concise and punchy
In an era where attention spans are low, and competition is high, you need to make the most of the few opportunities you get. Lists are direct and punchy. No fat, just pure info.
B2B audiences are busy professionals. Lists give them value quickly with a bulleted or numbered list. There is a reason why listicles are one of the most popular formats for publications whose business model is built around generating clicks. Marry this addictive format with helpful content, and you have a winning formula.
#3. List posts are flexible
List posts are super flexible. You can present a wide array of information with this kind of content. Things like an alternatives blog post are a great way to compare products or services quickly.
Additionally, lists are a legitimate way to draw traffic from competitor brands. When your target audience Googles your business rival’s name, your article can appear, boosting your awareness.
The components of a list post
OK, now that you’re clear on listicles and why your B2B needs them, let’s explore the various components of a list post.
Title formula
Listicles are loved for their crisp, lean, easy-to-read format. So their headlines should be the same. Clarity and early impact are the name of the game here.
The best list article headlines grab attention and compel readers to click. However, to ensure your content doesn’t drift into clickbait territory, make a promise and deliver on it.
Here is the basic headline formula you should follow.
XX Ways to [Desired Outcome]
XX [Topic] Tips [Benefit or Desire]
XX [Type] Tools [Benefit or Desire]
XX Reasons Why [Problem]
XX [Topic] Techniques [Benefit or Desire]
XX [Product] For [Audience]
Examples of titles
Here are some example titles for inspiration.
11 Ways to Outrank High Authority Domains
50 Marketing Automation Tools That Will Save You 3 Hours Each Day
8 Mistakes When Posting On LinkedIn You Can Avoid
Intro paragraph
Your blog post introduction paragraph should be short and to the point. Include a brief overview and a linked table of contents so your target audience can quickly navigate to particular entries on your list.
The idea here is to build as much trust and excitement with as few words as possible. Readers are coming for the information, so don’t keep them waiting.
List items as subheadings
Making use of subheadings is essential. If you’re writing a comparison article, you should dedicate a subheading to each product or service. This approach is vital for both readability and search engine optimization (SEO), which are often very similar things.
If your listicle is an expert roundup blog post of, for example, SaaS products, you can prefix each title with things like “best for beginners,” “best budget option,” or whatever is appropriate or relevant to your article.
You should number each entry. However, entries are not ranked in order of importance, relevance, or quality, you can choose to leave them unnumbered.
Main content
The main content is where you deliver on the promise of your headline. If you’ve promised your list will make them laugh, be amazed, save them time, boost their traffic, etc., ensure that the information in your article doesn’t lose sight of that objective.
Your content, no matter whether it’s a comparison article, an alternatives post, or an expert roundup blog post, should be packed full of interesting findings, research, and opinions.
Remember, your readers are coming to you for the list, but they also want value in the form of breakdowns and editorials on each entry. Think about your audience and what they want to achieve. Use that to drive your content.
Most importantly, create a template for each entry and use it across each heading section. Consistency creates a predictable reading experience for your audience. Get it right, and they’ll be more likely to finish your article.
Your post conclusion should include a broad overview of your post and recap any key takeaways. If your article had a conclusion (i.e., best product), include it.
If your blog post made a side-by-side comparison with a range of products or services, consider using a table at the end that wraps up the information in a concise manner. Although it’s not mandatory, it can add to your article and help with SEO.
Additionally, add links to other posts for further reading and, if appropriate, include a call to action for your products or services.
List Post Pro Tips
Offer value with your headlines
Add one or two surprising entries to keep things interesting
Make sure each entry is high-quality; don’t bulk up your list with mediocre content just to reach a round number. You’ll bore your readers.
Step-by-step guide blog post template
Step-by-step guides are easy-to-follow posts that show your target audience how to achieve particular tasks. These blog posts use chronological steps that your readers can follow when they want to add new skills to their repertoire.
As you’ll see from our blog post template, these guides are instructional posts that walk your readers through the different stages that make up a task.
When you are writing these posts, think about your readers and what information they need. Pack your article with detailed info and related internal links, and take the time to consider how you break up each step.
Don’t assume your audience are experts. Avoid jargon and aim to be as helpful as possible.
Why the Step-by-step guide is valuable for B2B
#1. Establish trust and expertise
A step-by-step guide is a way to establish your credibility in your sector. People are always on the lookout for trusted sources of expert information that can help them learn more. These instructional guides are a great way to cement your reputation as a brand that is ready to do what it takes to help your audience.
How-to posts are some of the most popular articles online because you are transferring valuable knowledge. If your audience thinks you provide solid, trustworthy information, it’s a short step to believing that your products or services are reliable too.
#2. Capture user intent
When people ask questions on the internet, it’s because they are motivated by a goal or objection. Satisfying user internet is a great way to boost your SEO because it sends a positive message to search engines that your content is helpful and valuable.
Step-by-step articles provide information to people who are actively looking for solutions. These actions can be a clear indication that the user needs your product or service. \
When you teach a user how to achieve a goal, you can also promote your solution and generate leads, email subscriptions, and sales.
#3. Boost Acquisition and Retention
A well-written step-by-step guide is an educational resource. When new or potential customers can read online information about how to use your products and services to get value, it boosts the chances of acquiring and retaining customers.
Most products have an “aha moment.” It’s the point in time when users realize their value. A step-by-step guide can show users how your product will solve their pain points or at least get better value from specific product features.
The components of a step-by-step blog post
Step-by-step articles are basically how-to posts. Your focus should be on delivering helpful, concise information that is coherent and well-structured.
Title of formula
The main thing to remember with your post title is clarity. A how-to post should include a simple title that promises your audience what they can learn by reading your article.
Don’t be afraid to work some benefits into your headline to increase their impact.
How to [Achieve Desired Outcome] (XX Steps)
How to [Achieve Desired Outcome] (Even If [Common Obstruction])
How to [Achieve Desired Outcome] ([Additional Benefit])
Examples of titles
Here are some example titles that you can use with our blog post template to power your own attention-grabbing headlines.
How Post on LinkedIn (7 Steps)
How to Grow Your Business (Even If You Don’t Have Budget)
How to Get More Social Media Followers (Fully Automated)
Intro paragraph
Your intro paragraph doesn’t need to be too extensive. Keep it short and sweet but very clear. Where appropriate, tell your audience why they need to learn this process and touch on the benefits it will bring. E.g., save time, money, allow them to increase productivity.
Use classic copywriting techniques to formulate your intro. Here are a few that you can draw on for your post.
PSP: Problem, Solution, Proof.
PAS: Problem, Agitate, Solution.
AIDA: Awareness, Interest, Desire, Action.
List items as subheadings
A step-by-step guide needs a logical, chronological order. Break each headline into Step 1, Step 2, Step 3, etc.
Each step should function like a checklist and flow into each other.
Remember, your audience is looking for help. Don’t assume they’re experts; keep things simple, provide background information where possible, and keep jargon to a minimum.
Main content (H4)
Step-by-step posts should make it clear to your audience how to do a specific task. You should ensure that each step contains some good information. Consider adding screenshots to your post to make things easier for your readers to follow.
Step-by-step blog posts are usually fairly long. As such, a brief out is fine.
Again, if you have related posts, don’t forget to include them. If your reader is on a mission to learn, they’ll appreciate extra work.
The conclusion is also a good time to place a call to action for your product or service.
Step-by-Step Post Pro Tips
Don’t overload each step
Use clear, concise language for each step
Use supporting images, like screenshots or GIFs, but ensure that the guide can still be followed in a text-only format
Expanded definition blog post template
An expanded definition post is a type of educational blog post that takes an in-depth look at a subject. The main things this kind of post should do is:
- Define the term or concept
- Answer other questions your audience might have.
The best way to structure these articles is to provide immediate value by answering your user’s question about the definition. From there, expand the content to take in other queries that are related to the term.
Aim back your blog full of interesting details. By the end, your audience should feel as if they have a strong understanding of both the definition and anything else they need to know.
Why the expanded definition blog post is valuable for B2B
#1. Build Authority
People look up the definition of a word, concept, or acronym because they are looking for information. Providing a considered explanation plus a deep dive helps them learn a lot, and it’s also a chance to show them that you know what you are talking about.
When you solve your target audience’s questions, you can build trust and authority within your field. When they start shopping for a solution, your product or service will be near the top of their mind.
#2. SEO
Expanded definition posts will include lots of questions your audience might have about a subject. This includes the basic definition and other related subjects. This is great for SEO, especially if you can capture a lot of the information that will interest your audience.
Make sure to include your target keyword and other related terms to help your post rank. Use People Also Asked to find questions and subjects to include. Additionally, Google your target keyword to find related terms and questions.
#3. Boost your pillar posts
A pillar page is a great way to drive more traffic. You can use a main page or landing page to attract traffic with your target keyword and include internal links with expanded definitions that target and expand on secondary or related keywords.
If you build enough expanded definition blogs, your website will become a repository of knowledge, which will boost your SEO.
The components of an expanded definition blog post
Title of formula
These simple formulas will show you how to post a great title for an expanded definition blog post. They’re a straightforward combination of your target keyword alongside a brief explanation of what to expect.
What is/are [Concept]? Everything You Need To Know
What is/are [Acronym]? [Expanded Acronym] Explained
What is/are [Concept]? A [Brief/Quick/Detailed] Introduction
Examples of titles
Here are a few example titles that show you how you can plug your titles into our blog post templates.
Intro paragraph
Your intro paragraph should provide your readers with an immediate answer to their questions. You don’t need anything too deep; a brief definition will do. Just make sure you don’t tease the information, deliver it in the first paragraph, and then make them stay for the extra detail.
Answer your target keyword or phrase in a concise but helpful manner, and your intro could be picked up by Google as a featured snippet. While you can’t make this the sole aim of your blog post, it’s a great bonus when it happens because it puts your article at the top of the SERP.
List items as subheadings
Once you’ve laid out your definition, you can use subheadings to cover the other information that is related to the topic. Break each down into logical sections.
The aim here is to have an easily scannable article that defines and explains a subject in detail. Leave your audience with everything they need to know and plenty of actionable information.
Main content
Your main content should build up the definition. Use a Table of Contents with jump links so your audience can access the article and find what they need. This addition encourages them to stay on the page and read, which reduces your site’s bounce rate.
Alongside the definition that draws users to your page, you should research related content. As mentioned above, use People Also Asked to find questions your audience has on the subject and answer them thoroughly.
Similarly, look at your competitors with apps like SEMrush, Surfer SEO, and ahrefs. See what they are talking about and find ways to add better or deeper information if you want to outrank them.
Your conclusion doesn’t need to be too long. Just summarize the key learnings and remind your users how to use this information in their business.
Add internal links to other articles that a beginner would want to learn more about because if they’ve made it to the bottom of your expanded definition post, they’ll likely wanna learn more since the content will typically be at a high level.
Don’t forget to add a call to action where appropriate.
Expanded Definition Pro Tips
Always define your target keyword as early as possible
Explain other key concepts early in your content
Beginner’s guide blog post template
A beginner’s guide is a chance to establish your organization as a helpful subject matter expert. By using simple language and lots of detailed information, you can become a trusted source on a variety of matters related to your niche.
A beginner’s guide provides a comprehensive 101 on a topic. It’s like a hybrid between a step-by-step post and an expanded definition post.
The basic characteristics of a beginners guide are that they are:
Teach things in a logical sequence
Written for beginners
While a beginner’s guide has similarities to a how-to post, they’re different things. For example, a beginner’s guide to LinkedIn might explain what the platform is, how to create an account, or how to set up a profile.
On the other hand, a how-to post will assume that the user is already using the platform, and it will focus more on showing them best practices.
Why the beginner’s guide blog post is valuable for B2B
#1. Satisfy user questions
If you do keyword research on resources like Google’s People Also Ask, you’ll see that a lot of questions on particular subjects consist of questions like “what is X” or “why should I use X.”
Satisfying these user questions is a good way to round out your content creation on these subjects. The more information you cover, the better chance that SERP will feature your blog post.
#2. Connect with emerging users in your space
We’ve all got to start from somewhere. People who are new to a particular niche or industry have a lot of concepts and processes to learn, and a beginner’s guide is an excellent place to start. These posts are also a great way to help B2B veterans to add knowledge about new and emerging areas.
When you provide information for these readers, you can boost your brand awareness.
#3. Build links from your pillar pages
Using pillar pages is a type of SEO approach that builds on search intent by giving each high-volume keyword its own page that links from the main page. Trying to squeeze all the keywords you want to rank for onto one page is impossible. However, you can write a pillar post and then connect keyword focus articles to that.
If your niche has various subjects, it makes sense to give your target readers a handy way to connect with all the different articles. The pillar post introduction and content can refer to your main keywords, with each new article offering a beginner’s guide to various subjects or topics.
The components of a beginner’s guide blog post
Title of formula
Your beginner’s guide title should be direct and to the point. It should appeal to absolute beginners and promise them a friendly and informative route into a subject.
A title is an implicit agreement between you and the user. Ensure your blog post does what it says.
Here are some formulas you can use for your beginner’s guide blog post to create an explanatory title that engages your audience.
What is/are [Concept]? Everything You Need To Know
What is/are [Acronym]? [Expanded Acronym] Explained
What is/are [Concept]? A [Brief/Quick/Detailed] Introduction
Examples of titles
Use the examples below as inspiration for your own in-depth breakdowns of complex subjects.
LinkedIn Ads For Beginners: Learn Everything You Need
Intro paragraph
Be mindful of your audience. You want them to know that whatever it is you’re teaching isn’t super complicated. Similarly, you should use simple language because true beginners probably won’t know many industry or technical terms.
Explain all acronyms and add lots of relatable examples. Describe how and why things work and ensure you back up your claims.
While all of this might sound limiting, beginners are usually motivated and ready to learn. So you want to make them feel like they can understand it, learn from it, do it and begin their journey in whatever it is that you’re teaching. So provide plenty of encouragement.
List items as subheadings
A beginner’s guide needs to cover a lot of subjects. A blog post with a lot of information could be intimidating to a novice, so make sure you break down each subject into clear, easily digestible headings.
It’s easy for beginners to feel overwhelmed or discouraged. But a well-structured post should assure them that complex subjects can be learned piece by piece.
Main content
Similar to how-to articles, you need to think about all the things that a beginner needs to know and lay them out clearly. As we said above, provide a lot of background information and easily relatable examples.
Conclude your post with some encouragement. The target audience for these posts is beginners, so ensure they come away from your post feeling empowered to take the next steps.
Also, similar to the other blog post templates, include some internal links to further learning. These links will encourage them to continue their learning journey on your site. And, if it’s appropriate, include a call to action for your product or service too.
Beginner’s guide post pro tips
Keep things simple
Offer your readers encouragement
Use lots of examples to help your audience absorb your content
Final thoughts: How to post content that connects
A blog post template is an excellent way to guide your content. A blank page can be intimidating when you sit down to write an article. Blog templates can help you know what beats to hit and give you confidence that your structure is sound and that your posts are comprehensive enough to:
- Provide value to your users
- Rank well in search engines
Use our free blog post templates to ensure that your content has a proven framework that grabs and holds your audience’s attention. Working out this basic structure for each post type before you start writing is important.
From there, you can add the expertise and personality that really make your post sign.
Pro Tip: Maximize your investment in your content strategy by upcycling your content.
Homepage and landing pages?
Your homepage and landing pages are a completely different story. We recommend finding a repeatable formula that makes sense for your visitors. The template we use on our homepage and service pages follows this formula:
Hero Section
This covers your visitor’s greatest pain point. As well as outlines what your product or service does, who it’s for, and why it’s better. It does a lot!
Social Proof
Win your visitor’s trust by putting your most recognizable or relevant clients’ logo. If you’re starting out and have no clients, add certifications or awards you’ve received.
Your visitors want to know what they’re getting. Go ahead and make it clear in the headline. Back it up in the description, and be sure to include how you’re eliminating pain points.
Personas or Use Cases
Visitors want to be sure the product or service is right for them. List the industries, types of companies, or how your product is used.
How it Works
By this point, they will be curious about how your product or service works. Visitors want to know their guide has a plan. It’s best to break it up into three steps. Learn More: StoryBrand Framework.
Call to Action
Every page needs a primary call to action. PLG SaaS companies, it’s started using our product. Sales lead companies will require visitors to book a demo.
What about SEO?
Anything after the primary CTA can be there to add additional value and for SEO. Be sure not to add content for the sake of it.